One of the things you may not know about farm folks is that
we do take breaks. Sometimes.
We missed the prettiest leaves by about a week, but today we took a little hike at a local state park, and my farmer got to enjoy the weather from outside the cab of a tractor and without his work boots on. Success!

Hiking while pregnant gave me a good foretaste of what growing older will be like. You have to watch where you place each foot like you're walking a mine field, you're basically just trying not to fall, and you lean heavily on your husband, who does his best to humor you with his a fake aged voice.

You also take breaks to learn about acorns. (I told you we were old at heart.)
Here's a fun fact for the day: Did you know that acorns are poisonous to cows? [Click to tweet.]
Neither did I! What a coincidence!

Not that you or I are busy spending our days cramming nuts down random cows' throats or anything, but it never hurts to know these things just in case.
Or in the event you're someone phone-a-friend when a million dollar game show question is on the line.
You can thank us later.

Chris then pointed out that this plant looked like something I'd attempt to craft with, and as with most things, he's right.
I left it there . . . but only because I'd probably get it home and then we'd all break out in hives or something equally awesome.
Because I'm good like that.

We also talked about coming back to that same park in a year and doing some hiking with a little buckaroo or buckarette . . . and how I'd carry the water and he could tote the baby. That's a dad rite of passage, right? Err . . . rite? Errr . . .
And that makes me more than just a little happy.
Want to read more of my 31 day farmacology writing challenge? Click here.